Sunday, May 24, 2009



Many people wonder how necessary it is to have sunglasses in the winter, because the weather is sometimes gloomy or rainy, and sunglasses are meant to protect our eyes from the sun’s UV rays. So we don’t need protective eye wear in the winter, right? Wrong! There are so many times that your eyes need protection, and you may not even know it. There you are, minding your own business and wham! Your poor retinas are being battered around by UV rays and may damage your vision.


Everyone wants nails to be proud of so if yours are less than perfect here are a few quick tips to get them in great condition in no time. Stunning nails
# Apply nail varnish remover before doing your nails even if don’t need to remove any old polish, it prepares the nails by removing any grease so that your polish will last longer

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